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BTS Lego was released on March 1st today.
BTS Lego came out and I wanted to review it.

I went to the Lego store and bought it right away.
When I bought Lego 21339 at the Lego store,
5007900 bts dynamite postcard sticker set.

This is Lego 5007900 bts dynamite postcard sticker set.

These are BTS members' stickers that look like Lego mini figures.
It's cute in various poses.

Lego 5007900 bts dynamite postcard card is
It's shaped like a record.
On the back, you can write notes.


Now, let's start with a detailed review of Lego 21339 BTS Dynamite

LEGO21339 BTS Dynamite Basic Information

Product number: 21339
Product Name: Bulletproof Dynamite
Topic: Lego Idea
Release year: March 1, 2023
Pieces: 749
Numbers: 7




This is Lego21339  BTS Dynamite Box Art.
In the front, we've shown you in the BTS Dynamite music video.
On the back, the inside of the building and the stage are displayed.

There is a BTS mini-figure on the side of the box.

LEGO21339 bts dynamite unboxing

If you unbox LEGO21339bts Dynamite,
The instructions are in a hard paper bag.

BTS is performing in the front, and donut shop in the back.
The appearance image is printed.

The Lego 211339 bts dynamite also comes with a sticker.
These are stickers that you put on top of various bricks to make the music video feel better.


There's something I'm disappointed about in the Lego 21339 bts manual.

There are no real pictures of BTS members.
BTS One or two pictures of all the members...
I hope you put it in.
In the back of BTS members,
There's an original author who made this product with the first idea.
It also contains information on Lego bts dynamite Lego designers designed with products.

If you unbox LEGO21339 Bts,
there are four parts bags and three other bricks.

LEGO21339 Introduction to Mini Figure

Lego BTS V mini-figure and Lego BTS Jin mini-figure.
The outfit and hairstyle of the music video are well expressed.
The face is printed back and forth. The same goes for the other members


Lego BTS RM Mini Figure and Lego Bts Sugar Mini Figure.
RM's mini-figure sunglasses stand out.

From the left, it's Lego bts Jungkook Mini Figure, Lego bts Jimin Mini Figure, Lego bts J-Hope Mini Figure.

This is the entire picture of Lego BTS mini-figure.
I took a picture of the back at once.
The print on the back is also very detailed.
I'm very satisfied.


Lego 21339 bts Dynamite Assembly

Lego21339 bts dynamite is the parts that are made when assembling each bag.

If you assemble bag 1, you will complete the ice cream truck, bts stage, and V and Jin mini figures.

If you assemble the second bag, the record store on the right and the door in the middle will be completed.
And RM's mini-figure and Suga's mini-figure will be completed.

If you assemble the third bag, the doughnut shop on the left will be completed.
Jimin's Lego mini figure and Jungkook's Lego mini figure are also completed.

If you assemble the 4th bag, you'll have 2 palm trees and lighting on-stage lighting.
j-hope, let's go! Mini figure is done! The entire product is complete.

LEGO21339 BTS Dynamite is divided into 3 parts.

It consists of a donut shop on the left, a record shop on the right, and a BTS stage on the back.

This is inside Lego21339  BTS Dynamite Record Store.

The sign of the record store is hung big on the outside, and various tile bricks are inside
There are records that are completed with stickers.

On the right side, there's a basketball hoop and orange color that makes it look like a basketball.

There's a spherical brick, but it's open at the bottom, so you can put it in the protruding brick.
It's a shame that this part doesn't actually have a basketball print.
The backboard of the basketball goalpost is also completed with stickers.

Records displayed in record stores.
In the left and right pictures, the two bricks on the top are done with stickers, and the tile bricks on the bottom three are printed.
In the picture on the left, the elephant shadow print in the sunset is cool.


This is a picture of the inside of the record store. There's a turntable inside.
BTS Dynamite record boards are displayed from side to side.

When assembling a record store sign, it is completed by attaching a sticker.

On the left is the interior of the Lego BTS Dynamite Donut Shop.

On the far left is a refrigerator with drinks and donuts, a coffee machine next to it, a donut and burger set menu on the top, a tray for recovering dishes on the right,

There is a small table and a coffee cup.


I took out drinks and donuts and took a picture.
There are various donuts on the menu, but there is only one type.


In the front of the product, there is a sign with 'DISCO' disco in the middle.

There's a sand green door. When you open the door,
It is a form of BTS performance stage.


The BTS logo in the middle changes color depending on the angle of light.

The lights in the back can also adjust the angle.

And then below, there's a gimmick.


And you can assemble an ice cream truck, and it's interesting to see a brick that spills strawberry ice cream.​
The size of the car is a little small. There's about one mini-figure in here.



As I finished the review of Lego2139 BTS Dynamite...

I bought it as soon as it was released and assembled it.

Making a donut sign on the left was fun, too. It was good to know the refrigerator, coffee machine, and how to assemble DISCO letters in the donut shop.​

The assembly of the stage gimmick was good, and the building itself is a music video set, so I don't think I can help it because it looks poor.​

Each BTS member has a good mini-figure synchronization.
I think it's good to have a pretty BTS mini figure.
It hasn't been long since it was released, so it's in stock.

I think it's a good product to buy at least one.
It's a Lego product that'll be remembered.



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